
NEWS | current information

Impulsfestival 2021 | October 13 | Halle (Saale), Germany

October 13 I Halle (Saale), Germany
Am Steintor 10, 06112 Halle (Saale)


Premieres from Composition Masterclass
Rino Murakami (*1995)
Veronika Reutz Drobnić (*1999)
Matias Fernandez Rosales (*1988)
Composition Masterclass led by: Annette Schlünz

Max Andrzejewski (*1986)
II: aüe
III: ieie

Flute: Jaume Darbra Fa
Clarinet: Hugo Queirós
Piano: Itxaso Etxeberria
Percussion: Moritz Koch
Horn: Hsin-Ju Lee
Violin: Jae A Shin, Federico Ceppetelli
Viola: Alice Vaz
Cello: Ella Jarrige
Double bass: James Banner
Guitar: Martin Steuber

Conductor: Rémi Durupt

“Macht und Mittel” (Power and Means) | October 9 | Halle (Saale), Germany

October 9 I Halle (Saale), Germany
Stadtmuseum Christian-Wolff-Haus
Große Märkerstraße 10, 06108 Halle (Saale)

This string quartet performance is part of the live round-table radio broadcast, “Macht und Mittel” (Power and Means).

String Quartet

Cadavre Exquis (2021)

This cyclic composition comprises five movements, each written by a different composer.
I: Apolline Jesupret
II: Michele Foresi
III: Daria Scia
IV: Stéphane Bozen
V: Ayumi Nabata

Violin: Jae A Shin, Federico Ceppetelli
Viola: Alice Vaz
Cello: Ella Jarrige

Werkleitz Festival 2021 | July 02 | Halle (Saale), Germany

Blücherstraße 2 in 06122 Halle (Saale)

recorded July 2, 2021

Program Silvia Rosani
Tempus Konnex musician
Nathan Watts (Cello)

Korean Cultural Center | Cultural Division of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea

March 31 | Berlin, Germany

Leipziger Pl. 3, 10117 Berlin
Live Streamed Concert, 7pm
within the framework of “young Korean talent”


Jason Eckardt (*1971) — After Serra (2000, 14’30”)
for flute, clarinet, piano, violin, cello

Dong Hoon Shin (*1983) — songs and games for piano (2018, 12′)
solo piano

Kaija Saariaho (*1952) – “Mirrors” (1997, 5′)
for flute and cello

Tobias Fandel (*1986) — rational choices (2019, 7′)
for flute, clarinet, piano, violin, cello


Delphine Roche: flute
Emanuel Dantscher: clarinet
Alberto Carnevale Ricci: piano
Jessica Ling: violin
Nathan Watts: cello
Tobias Fandel: conductor
JiYoun Doo: director

Tempus Konnex’s Lock Down Diary (Call for scores) Phase II

Phase II

With Phase I, we sent out a small sign of life. For anyone who missed it, you still have one more chance! Dear composers and musicians, send us your most recent compositions so that we can film them in short clips and present them on our website and other channels. We are interested!

We would like to support composers and musicians of contemporary music and record short musical clips with small instrumentations. In order to do that, we need your latest compositions! We are interested in solo pieces and duets, no longer than 10 minutes. Possible instrumentation: flute, clarinet, piano, violin, cello and guitar (electric guitar is also possible).

Send your own compositions to by the 27th of January, 2021.

With the kind support of the Kulturstiftung des Bundes (Reload Stipendium), So geht sächsisch, Ensemblefestival and FZML

News in Deutsch

Tempus Konnex’s Lock Down Diary (Call for scores) Phase I

Phase I

Will there be complete silence in the cultural scene? By no means! Tempus Konnex intends to promote your most recent compositions. We would like to support composers and musicians of contemporary music and record short musical clips with small instrumentations. We need solo pieces and duets, no longer than 10 minutes. Possible instrumentation: flute, oboe, clarinet, violin, cello, piano.

Send us your suggestions or your own compositions by the 20th of December, 2020.

With the kind support of the Kulturstiftung des Bundes (Reload Stipendium), So geht sächsisch, Ensemblefestival and FZML

News in Deutsch

Ensemble Festival 2020 for Contemporary Music Leipzig

Between 19 and 22 November 2020 in Leipzig, a city steeped in music history, the Ensemble Festival for Contemporary Music is bringing together distinguished ensembles from Japan, China, Russia and Germany.

Both concerts planned for Tempus Konnex have been postponed until the spring of 2021 due to corona. More exact details are to come. You can find further information at


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